Thursday, June 30, 2011

Cramming 10 lbs of fun in a 5 lb bag...

Summer is getting away quick. We are just over 4 weeks in with 6 to go. Shaw and I took in a Diamondbacks game this afternoon. I have a defective sports gene myself and as Shaw is growing up, I think he does too but I've always exposed my sons to the local teams and I do enjoy the crowd and a hot dog and watching a good game. A family sitting behind us was celebrating an 8th birthday and were nice enough to snap this pic for us.

I'm not a great photographer but I try to take pics that are better than most camera snap shots. I was trying to get some shots of the players with the zoom lens but it makes their heads look huge... I don't know what's wrong...

Shaw got this shot of one of the outfielders.

Shaw got a shot of me, I got a shot of Shaw.

This next picture puts the 'field' in Chase Field- that's a lot of green grass! I do love architecture, and stadiums are a feat of engineering. Shaw and I went to the souvenir stand after the game and while there, they opened up the roof to get some sunshine on the grass. At the Cardinals Stadium on the other end of town, the playing field rolls out on rails under the stadium into the sunshine and they roll it back in for game days.

He was trying to pose for the pic but couldn't resist checking the action on the field. Diamondbacks lost to the Cleveland Indians 6 to 2 but it was a great day to hang out and do some man stuff! Shaw actually took his first steps at an Angels game in California...

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