Friday, November 4, 2011

Arizona State Fair

Took a trip to downtown Phoenix today for the State Fair.  My first rock concert when I was about 14 was in the Memorial Colliseum in the background.   
Lesa and Shaw on a superman type ride where you lay out flat and stretch your arms out in ftont of you. 
The Tilt-a-Whirl- it's a classic!
I didn't go on any of the rides and I still looked horrible, but in my defense, we were experiencing a wind and dust storm this evening. 
Lesa and Shaw going up the Super Slide... a couple of chickens coming down... 
Lesa in lane 3 off to a good start. 
She wins by a length!  Here's the pic to prove it.  Shaw was still talking smack about everything under the sun except the fact that he lost. 
Monster Truck show at the Grand Stands- this truck was spinning like a top.  Shaw and I have been to a couple of Monster Truck shows over the years.  I almost forget every time how incredibly loud those engines are. 
The travelling truck show operators bought a couple of old RVs and a bread delivery truck from a local auto parts recycler/junk yard and had a demolition derby that was crazy awesome!
Here's the proof that it was, in fact, crazy-awesome...
Some poor sap won this and had to carry it around the rest of the day. 
Shaw looking cool and all grown up. 
Lesa just looking cool.
Strolling performer doing a tight rope act with flaming torches.
And lastly, here's a video of professor Shaw explaining the physics involved in the operation of the various rides at the fair.  

1 comment:

  1. I always loved the super slide! (Not so much the tilt-a-whirls)
