Tuesday, August 30, 2011

American Family Whipple (as opposed to Swiss Family Robinson)

We planted a couple of $50 five-gallon twig-trees when we moved here 5 years ago. They are just big enough for a tree fort now. They are Chilean Mesquite trees and will never be large enough for a proper tree house but this crow's nest lookout tower will suffice.

You can see Shaw's mug between the branches in the "Y" there. It has a rope ladder, a pulley attached to a small bucket for raising and lowering equipment and treats and stuff, rope bridge type hand rails and a zip line with another pulley and a bucket in case any green army men need to make a quick escape. The water you hear in the background of this video is from our fountain near this tree.

1 comment:

  1. This looks like a lot of fun. I remember growing up I northern calif and thing a hideaway in the rafters above the garage. I have a lot of happy memories of playing up there. Every child needs a place to escape!
